�God witnesth, I did by best��
There are also known another three last stages
terminating the process of Jaganatkh construction.
They bear symbolic names such as: �KALU�, �SIVA� and �AIRAVATA�.
stage �KALU� is a J energy basis assimilation. Js
feed on (RT) torsions, while consecutively modifying them in various parts of
one�s own body. However, the greater RTs part is
destructed before LF, accompanied with energy
release. RTs are destructed (�digested�)
step-by-step. (Physical models: �Game
Ball�>�Bud�>�Chamomile�(�Trefoil�)>�Sexfoil�>�Whirlwinds� (Prahna�),
6+3 units>LF). �Whirlwinds� in one �sheet� have different rotation
directedness. The four stages of RT destruction go on with J energy consumption and
only the last, the fifth one, with � its liberation (alike
digestion and burning). Outwardly, it looks as follows: RT (orange) shall
firstly inflate and then blow up into six small red balls which dilute rapidly
delivering its energy to the outward space. RTs are
functional and structural analogues of glucose molecules in the �material
world�. Umo and
The step
�SIVA� shall deepen the functional stage of J development. It is like
a bonfire unceasingly maintained by adding oil. The blaze of fire is dancing
(�scanning�), buzzing in three frequency ranges; the �heart� of fire is beating
with its rhythm (�decrepitating�). The dances of Shiva, in one word. It seems
as if the J human body is able to warm itself near this �bonfire of
consciousness�. However, it is necessary
to ensure that �the oil is being added evenly�, otherwise all J
structures will burn down into ashes, or cease to develop, � and their
decomposition (dissolution) would begin. The J consciousness� nucleus
is positioned in the bluish center of this bonfire, from where it is watching
all J
body processes, and, if needed, may instantly participate thereinafter in the
required quality state.
The �AIRAVATA� step is most complex. It will complete the transformation of the human entity into the J personality while reflecting the vital stage of the JB growth.
In the beginning J is not powerful enough to be able to enclose the entire Earth in one�s thin body. J is just commencing the kind of submerging into Earth. Part of planets of JB Fiery sphere always rests on the Earth�s surface like probes, while collecting the RTs. At first, 1/540 segment of the Earth�s surface of high-energy status (to be a town, as an example) is being explored. This is similar to feeding a baby with mother�s breast. Further on, as it grows, J is ever deeper exploring the Earth until enclosing it entirely into the thin body (stages: �city�, �country�, �continent�, �planet�). In the course of this growth details of planets� composition are being explored and studied (whenever it seems pertinent) by means of J �clairvoyance�(but not of that of the human body!). In a similar way, the J growth is taking place in case of transfer to other age groups (�Galaxy�, Metagalaxy�, �Universe�).
The J consciousness at the stage of �Earth� (JE) does not interact with the sites on Earth individually, but �median-statistically�. For example, via clairvoyance J is analyzing primarily the entire settlements and continents, but not specific humans. Only in case of sheer necessity the picture is being worked out in detail.
At the stage of JE the scanning time-rates of the entire J complex consciousness are always increasing (Seeker�s �superconsciousness�). The Seeker would face an unusual �greed for life� in all of its forms. (This is coming about as a result of assimilation of new sources of energy and/or � of a better orientation in surrounding space). Sometimes, the Seeker would have the blues, but now and then rushes to �the life maelstrom�. Just as it happens with children. However, the age limitations and often the human body potentialities would strike a discordant note. In order to handle such a discomfort it is advisable to use the mantra-formula �Conscientious serving with the new body� (withdrawal and transfer of consciousness from the old body into the new one).
At the JE stage, there are two types of �energy field vision� being discovered: vibrational and gravitational. In principle, these are different ranges of one and the same field. The first vision would detect the J thin body, the second � the thick one. Besides the informational linear flow there is also another weak, but constant RTs stream originating from the UMO center and moving towards J. This is a peculiar �food additive and insurance�.
For J, the general-type composition is always more important than its quotients. The general gives birth to a quotient. The quotient serves to the general or perish automatically without support� from above.
The word �AIROVATA� means �Mother�s womb�. The symbols of this step are elephant and mathematics. Their main connotation � mathematisation of consciousness� and the J body growth up to dimensions compared with those of Earth (model: the Earth�s terrestrial globe with 540 circles-participants on the surface). The entire upper triad of living creatures is characterized by a progressive callousness of senses (�thick-skinnedness�) to the advantage of deriving personal benefit � the foundation of the supreme harmony of the Æneda being. (In a similar way, stands a Human�s attitude to the fate of one�s cells). The median triad is most �sensitive� from the Seeker�s viewpoint. In the beginning, this process looks as a degradation (specialization) of the Human�s level, and this is partly true. However, taking into account the evolutionary processes� entire large scale and the width of coverage, reflected by members of the upper triad, and considering its key role in formation of other Æneda being�s levels, the Seeker would inevitably come to the right conclusion about the progressiveness of the Path at all nine levels.
After the transformation has been completed, the role of child will become basically clear, the way it was mentioned in the section �PERSONIFICATION�. Further on, it will be necessary to pass an examination consisting of three parts: �KNOWLEDGE�, �LOVE� and �NON-AFFECTION�. In the course of examination a qualitative and quantitative shift in the J development will occur. A successful passing of the examination will guarantee the reliable positioning at the 9th level of Being and � a consecutive development in the right direction.
This process is compared with the movement of a caterpillar getting over and above from one leaf to another. In other words, there exists an interval whereupon the caterpillar stays on two leaves at the same time.
The fourth, if observed from the Æneda level, sphere of J interest is always that of �human� (�material�) world. In the beginning, it is identified with the Seeker�s body, then � the terrestrial Humanity as a whole, etc, as the J is growing. The J embryo period is not terminated with the loss of the Seeker�s body, but � with acquisition of a new one of larger dimensions. As far the J mobility in space is concerned, it is related directly to the mobility of one�s �material� part. Thus, at the stage J-Earth, J is consciously rotating around the Sun along with Earth. At the same time, nothing is practically changing in one�s position vis-à-vis higher-positioned hierarchs. It is very probable, that the stage J-human (embryo) may last circa 30 years, the J-Humanity (Child, Earth) � up to 30 000 years. J-Humanity (galaxywise) � up to 3 mln. years, after the J-Metagalaxywise and the last one, the fifth, J-Universe will follow. At their interfaces, the stages considerably overlap. Even though the last stage is that of J-Universal Humanity, one should consider that the very first influence upon the entire Universe is already exercised yet at the embryo stage. It is important to remember that the demise of J is not altogether excluded, and the most dangerous situation would, perhaps, emerge at transitional phases, as they are limited by the time span of the related stage of a J material part.
It is precisely the self-preservation instinct that makes J effectively toil both internally and externally, while stimulating the entire process of one�s development. Besides, the correlation of this work with the general Æneda�s hierarchic activity is the guarantee of a successful J development (�protection� due to the energy and informational resonance liaison). Jaganatkh � a human becoming JE while changing one�s human body (or its considerable part) to be transformed into the body of terrestrial Humanity. The first is consciously becoming a part of the second. The destiny of the first entity shall directly depend on the effective real usefulness. If this body is still able to remain useful, this way or another, it will be conserved in the state of SAMADKHI (a specific form of the reversible anabiosis). If not, it is fully abandoned and destructed along the laws of matter cycling. A possibility of loosing the first body also lingers as a result of an �accident�. In the state of SAMADKHI (deep lunar trance) the psyche can operate in a usual regime, however the usual sense organs are nearly completely turned off. All basic physiological processes are passing on in a slowed-down rhythm. The state of SAMADKHI has a number of stages, which are characterized by an in-deep inhibition. The Seeker at the stage of JE would spend the greater part of one�s �human� life within different phases of SAMADKHI. This process is advancing as long as the JE stage is being assimilated over � up to the full body�s potentiality exhaustion. On the other hand, the state of SAMADKHI will facilitate inhibition of human bodily aging processes.
The duality is an inner cause of the development of Matter and its intrinsic quality. In case of one�s striving for progress it is sufficient to accentuate making positive steps. To follow up those, negative impulses of a comparable force will spontaneously emerge, however, somewhat lagging behind (!), and the progressive drive will benefit of a temporary advantage. The conscious causing of Evil shall also spontaneously activate the forces of Good, � but this is a path of degradation.
Besides other things, religions are distinct from the science, by tending to fall easily, at the same time or in turn, into two extremes: absolutisation {Advaita, Absolute, Prime Cause), on the one hand, and � nihilism (Mayavada, Illusiveness, Causelessness), on the other. These are the two sides of Path of �Knowledge and Progress�. On these roadsides rest and die, the wayfarers who have gone astray, got despaired or become temporarily weakened. But even then, the Seeker may learn lessons. The science usually evades the above extremes, but, alas, is doomed for an eternal retardation vis-à-vis the Human consciousness evolution.
The Oromika is not a religion, nor a science or their synthesis. The Oromika is the Path of Human mental evolution further on via religion and science towards the new public and individual consciousness
pilgrimage in Oromika may be physical or mental (in
particular, virtual). In the last case, the human memory about one�s own or
others� personal experience comes into play, and a logical construction of
situations connected with a holy place is taking its turn. At any rate, there
is a chance, this way, to obtain new important information and synergies needed
for advancement. The main objective of pilgrimage usually consists in
consolidation of faith for the chosen Path, as well as � in the Seeker�s
willpower and physical training. The pilgrimage is accomplished in line with a
personal urge, and not just for �a company�. In Oromika,
the principle sacred place is the
Other important sites for pilgrimage, which ensured conservation of
Knowledge being enjoyed now by Humanity, are located in certain areas of
So far, as having been initially incepted in minds of a number of individuals, and, as a result of growth, development and information exchanges, Jaganatkhs are becoming a Single fruit of collective creativity shared by overall Humanity and total Universe.
That, in general
traits, is the Path of Human
transformation into Jaganatkh.
Sincerely wishing You successes.
Arjuma. e-mail: vladimir.18@rambler.ru April,
P.S. 1. The tissue of doctrine �Oromika� is delicate and pure, it needs protection against ignorant people, dogmatists and envious individuals, but is favorable to those who will try to verify its full soundness and become gratified with its deep-in faith.
2. To meet aspirations of most gifted Seekers, there are also available, as supplements: �The Blue Book� (�Oromika � 2�) and �The Red Book� (�Oromika � 3�).
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